I'm SORRY . . .
For what?
For loving you to much...
For missing you...
I'm sorry for wanting to see you everyday...
For always thinking about you before going to sleep...
For feeling upset, if I don't see you..
For wanting to be your side...
I'm sorry wanting to make you happy...
for wanting you to be part of my life...
for trying make you smile...
I'm sorry for bothering you...
for dreaming about you everyday. Yes everyday!
I'm sorry for getting mad, jealous and sad...
I'm sorry for being just a simple game...
I'm sorry for thinking that you LOVED me...
for annoying you with my call and messages...
I'm sorry for caring about you... caring SO MUCH!
I'm just....
Sorry for every single mistake I made.
I've tried my best.
I really really miss you, Abang. If you reading this, can you call me and said, "I miss you to my dear"?
" Apologizing doesn't always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It means you value your relationship more than your ego. "
sbr ya..
okay, dimaafkan.. hihi
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